Saturday, August 27, 2011

Irene’s Knocking at the door…don’t let her in!!

Yesterday was wild at the store!   There was an unmistakable air of both anxiety and excitement. The feeling was palpable.  Macho men strolled in, acting as though they weren’t concerned, frightened, or worried.  They made fun of all the “media hype”, (meanwhile, there were there buying batteries and flashlights)! 

Most people just wanted to be prepared.  Aside from snack food, water, and “D” batteries, coloring books and weaving games were being bought as parents realized game systems were not an option.  It was fun watching the young kids looking forward to playing chess and checkers, cards, and board games.  Crafts were huge, with construction paper, scissors, crayons, and markers flying off the shelves. 

I was exhausted when I got home, but we still needed to buy ice, get gas in the car and I wanted fruit – (a girls gotta eat!).  So, out we went.  The gas stations were unbelievable.  The station we usually go to could no longer accept charge cards as their system went down due to the overload!  Everyone was scrounging for cash!  Luckily, most people were amicable, cooperative and just taking it all in stride.  Strangers were asking other strangers questions, people were talking to each other that otherwise would not.  I suppose that is a pleasant fact.

I spent most of my time this morning cooking.  Frozen chicken and ground turkey are now able to be eaten cold…. no sense keeping them in the freezer where they are of no use.  The electric company is warning of power outages lasting over 4 days, so nothing in the freezer will be worth saving anyway, might as well eat it up!!

I washed all the clothes and towels and ran the dishwasher.  What else can I do?   I suppose we are as prepared as we can be, considering the one thing we really need and really wanted to buy, but could not get our hands on, is a home generator.  All generators are sold out and have been for days, even in stores located over an hour away.  I know because I called every last one.

I hope the phones work through the storm, that’s a big concern.  I also hope the basement doesn’t flood since without power, our sump pump is worthless.   I hope all trees stay in their upright position – not horizontal on the cars or roof of the house!  But, those things are out of my control.  So, I am here, waiting for the doorbell to ring and Irene to come bearing her gifts of powerful winds of torrential rain.  Maybe she'll close her eye and go away????

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