Wednesday, September 21, 2011

It's Not Easy ~

Yesterday, I was the one in charge at the store where I work since both the Manager and the Assistant Manager needed to attend an all day meeting.  While at the register, the “Red Bull” distributer came in to remove out-dated bottles and fill the cooler with new.  When it came time to sign for the delivery, the system was totally new.  An impressive, computerized system the size of an IPod.  I mentioned this to the gentleman and didn’t expect the in-depth, gut-wrenching reaction I received.

Apparently, this gentleman was in the early part of his very first day back to work and was just learning this new system himself.  Six weeks before, he stepped off his truck and did not see a huge hole that was right under his bottom step. He fell, breaking his ankle and tearing ligaments.  He had been out of work, on workmen’s’ compensation, since that day.  Although not completely healed, he needed to return to work as the workmen’s compensation had ended. His wife had also been laid-off (I can relate) and they desperately needed the money to stay in their house and eat!

He told me this job was already a step down financially from his previous employment.  He had worked in sales before, a far more lucrative position, and had been laid-off when that company downsized.  Familiar.  With both he and his wife having career issues, he took whatever job he could and was appreciative for the opportunity.  His wife’s unemployment, like mine, had been suddenly cut off when for a brief moment the unemployment rate in our state went below a certain number.  How ridiculous.  But, a republican governor and a republican legislature certainly are not about to extend benefits, no matter what it does to hard working Americans who lost their jobs in an awful economy due to no fault of our own.

So, here we were, two people now off the unemployment roles, not counted in the numbers.  One working part-time and one working full-time but both definitely under-employed.  Most Americans like us are trying to find work that is more livable, but it’s either not out there or there are five candidates applying for every opening.  Companies are working their employees’ crazy hours because they know the employees have nowhere to go; they are stuck.  Instead of hiring more workers, the companies simply work their present employees to the bone, why not; it helps their bottom line. (At least for the time being.)

Corporations are sitting on a ton of profit, not hiring.  With the unemployed not receiving benefits, with those who gain employment working for half or a quarter of what they earned before, no one is spending, so what will raise the demand that is needed to get this economy rolling again and force corporations to hire out of sheer necessity?  There is only one answer and that is the government.  Unemployment benefits need to be extended until the crisis is over, jobs, yes government jobs, need to be added to put people to work so they have money in their pockets.  It is the only plan that makes sense.  Cutting back now is ridiculous; worrying about the deficit now is like worrying about a stain on your new carpet while your house is burning down, truly insane.  Until the fire is extinguished, the carpet is the least of your worries. 

I’m sorry, I have tried to keep politics out of this blog, but the heartbreaking story I heard yesterday has forced me to relinquish that rule.  I am tired of being blamed for being unemployed, being looked down upon when former co-workers stop by the store. Their look of pity along with their look of relief that they are not in my position is upsetting to say the least. I am lucky, my husband can support us, but not many families are in this same position – or both spouses have been laid-off! Heaven forbid!

It’s time to stop playing politics with peoples’ lives.  Decent, honest, hard-working Americans are out here looking for a career; one they can devote their intelligence and hard work to every day.  Why do some insist on making US the enemy?

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