Thursday, November 17, 2016


I didn’t vote for Donald J. Trump.  I would never have voted for such a damaged man to be President of the United States, even if he had run as a Democrat, the party to which I belong. 

We may take small comfort in the fact that Hillary Clinton won, at this point, over 1 million votes MORE than djt, and that number is rising.  But that fact, along with $5, will buy you a cup of coffee.  It is comforting, but meaningless.  Our system elects our Presidents through the Electoral College.  Fighting for that to change is definitely on the list of things we need to do, but it won’t change the reality we wake up to today.

What REALLY troubles me, aside from the fact that djt is President-elect….(gagging), is that 46% of America did NOT vote.  Why?  How can that be?  This election was covered tirelessly.  The media, which was completely inept in the importance of what they covered, certainly kept us informed of what minutia the Donald was up to on a minute-by-minute basis.  Their consistent coverage gave him more free airtime than probably any other candidate in our country’s history.  It certainly propelled him through the republican primaries when other candidates with records and policies were called names and disrespected by trump.  The media thought that was a laugh riot.

Then, their coverage of an email server…. what a ridiculous story, took the headlines.  The fact that most of the emails were Hillary asking her staff to “print this” for her, or were asking to go out for a crème brulee…. that didn’t matter.  Hillary did a stupid thing, but let’s be real, an almost 70 year old woman doesn’t handle her own IT decisions.  Whoever advised her of this, knowing she wanted to run for President, was amazingly stupid.  But it was just that, stupid.  She never used it for wrong, as the constant investigations proved over and over again.  The media, however, made it look sinister and the cooperation of the FBI, 11 days before the election, certainly didn’t help.  But, all that in stride…there was no reason for ANYONE to Not VOTE!!  You couldn’t possibly ignore this election!  Why wouldn’t you want your voice to be heard?  Our voices together are what make our country great.  By not voicing yours, our country will now be diminished.  Hate and bigotry will rule.  Fear and ignorance will be pushed; all this because so many didn’t vote when so very much was on the line. 

Now, to be fair, Hillary was an uninspiring candidate and I could go on and on about how the Democratic primary was largely at fault.   Hillary just isn’t a good candidate.  She carries with her so much baggage, rightly or wrongly…but none of her baggage compared to the complete luggage set that trump packed.  His KKK backers, his sexual predatory bragging, his lack of knowledge about international affairs, his relationship with Putin, his talk of massive deportation, his bringing the woman Bill Clinton had affairs with to a debate, his constant sniffing at the debates, his stiffing of his creditors, his bankruptcies, his not showing his taxes…I could go on and on. 

So, djt will be President winning less than half the popular vote, which is actually made up of about half of our voting eligible population.  Trump will be President with the support of probably little over 35% of the population.  This seems to be the same 35% that believe President Obama is Muslim (not that there’s anything wrong with it if he was, but he’s not) and that watch Fox “news”.  This is sick.

He will say he has a mandate.  He does not.  He will install hateful, ignorant men to head all aspects of government.  He will have hate, Bannon, as his right-hand man and booster.  Trump has zero experience and less intellectual curiosity…. as a matter of fact, this election was his first job interview ever.  Tweeting is his “fav” method of communication. 

Born with a silver spoon in his mouth, he married three women, cheated on at least two of them, (probably all three) and eight years ago he was strongly against everything he is now for…what adult changes that dramatically in such a short time?  Answer:  No one.  He hasn’t changed…. his one philosophy is doing whatever strikes him, whatever benefits him, at the moment ~ not what benefits you or me or even his supporters….solely what benefits him and his privileged family. 

Let’s hope that at this very moment the reality of his powerful situation finally affords him some sense of responsibility.  Do I believe it will?  No.  Why would I?  He has NEVER taken responsibility for anything he has said or done.  He thinks he can do with others whatever he wants out of a false sense of superiority and entitlement.  He will allocate responsibility in his administration to ‘yes’ men so that he can then blame those same ‘yes’ men when it all goes so horribly wrong….which it will, because his ideas are flawed and hateful and history already proved them wrong.  He will boast when something seems to be going right…even Hitler had successes before he eventually brought his country to its’ knees.  Please, let’s not give trump the freedom to enact the horrific policies he is about to push.  The 65% of us that disagree with pretty much everything this man has spewed this last year and half need to remain engaged, vocal, strong and informed. 

I vow, here and now, to not let this election ruin everything so many have worked for these many decades.  We will not allow Donald to damage the environment, track Muslims, build a friggin wall, or be bffs with Putin.  We will be trump’s worst nightmare as for once in his 70 years of life, he will have people ready to call him out for what he is….a frightened, sad man with lots of gold, but no soul.  We have to work hard, within the system, to expose and negate the actions of trump.  It will be tough because the media will not remain focused unless we keep them so.

Defeat when we have the numbers on our side will not stand for long.  We have to fight this situation with all the legal means we presently have (before he tries to take them away) because we truly are fighting for our very survival. 

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