Monday, May 21, 2012

Just Dive In?

This past Saturday, my husband opened the pool for the 12th time, the 12th year.  We had the pool built in 2000, it was a dream of both my husband’s and mine to someday own our own, private pool and when we realized we could do it we jumped at the chance (no pun intended). 

Watching the pool as it was being built was such a thrill.  Observing the talent and expertise of those who dug the hole, sculpted the cement, installed the equipment, installed the tile – all of it, from beginning to end was mesmerizing to watch and extremely impressive to behold.  The skill and talent of each and every craftsman was amazing.  Each summer since those early days, we have enjoyed the relaxation, fun and exercise the pool provides; from soaking in the hot tub on a warm summer evening, to swimming laps or just floating around on a hot summer day.  The pool has consistently served as a central meeting place for all of us to enjoy being together.

Twelve years is a long time though.  In the first few years we had the pool, my children were young.   They have since grown and moved along with their lives, but my husband and I hope that the pool always serves as a happy place for all to want to come back to and share long summer days together.  Someday we even hope to enjoy watching our grandchildren playing in the water.
This summer will be a bit different than summers gone by in that my son doesn’t live, full time, at home anymore.  He lives hours away.  I will miss the times we would unexpectedly and spontaneously end up chatting about anything and everything as we cooled off in the water.  Remembering how he and my daughter laughed with (and at) me because I could never simply jump into the pool.  They would try to teach me how to just let go and jump….they would show me, but I could never do it.  Inevitably, I would end up sitting on the side of the pool, dangling my legs in the water to get used to the temperature change, and then sliding in ever so carefully - and slowly.  I wish I could make some analogy to my life with that, but when it comes to my life I seem to jump in whenever a major decision is to be made.  Sometimes I end up in over my head, but, as of yet, l haven’t drowned!

Having friends and family over to enjoy the pool is an extra special time.  Some of my most real and penetrating conversations have taken place relaxing in the hot tub; close friends, good food, nice music and a glass of wine.  Something about the long summer days and the comfort of the water just enables everyone to relax and allows for meaningful discussions to flow. 

There have been summers we have watched the night sky change from May through September.  Sitting in the hot tub, night after night, we would look toward the heavens as the stars come out.  Closely and systematically, we would observe the same stars every night as they methodically travelled from one side of our roof, across the house and finally to the top of the trees on the far side of the pool.  Watching their movement is our old fashioned way of noting the passage of time  - the opposite of a sun dial. 

Time, what a funny thing; we measure the days the months, the years.  Events seem forever away, then, in an instant, they are years ago.  So many events were planned while relaxing in the pool.  Cruises, dinners, parties – all of which have come and gone; I wonder what events we will plan this summer that will seem so far away while we plan them.  I guess that’s life!  We live in the now and hope for happy ‘nows’ in the future.  Meanwhile, we are floating through the present.  

Last week I jumped into a new, full-time job unlike how I carefully slip into the pool on a summer day.  I am now in the process of learning to swim along…, just as the shock of cold that strikes when first getting into the pool, a shock that gradually changes to a feeling of refreshing comfort once you’re fully in, I hope the chill that I feel now, with this first introduction into my new job warms to a refreshing comfort that I can really sink into.  I look forward to staying afloat and not making too many waves.  This cold shock of returning to full time work will hopefully settle down soon and I one day I will find myself looking back on these long first days that seem never ending and say, “I can’t believe that was 5 years ago!”

I’ve surely taken the plunge, now I need to exercise and do my laps.  

I wish you all a refreshing day!

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