2011 has been a pretty good year; I am thankful for so much. My children, who are no longer children, are each adults who fill my heart with love and pride. They are each cultivating their own interests and forging careers geared toward where their hearts and desires are leading them. I wish them the fulfillment of their dreams.
My daughter has always wanted to teach. She adores children and has the patience of a saint. She is now working as a substitute teacher and I hope she earns a full-time position, as she could give so much to her students. I believe that once those in charge see how wonderful and dedicated she is to teaching, they will think of her when a position opens. Her skills with the students are obvious. Hopefully, funding to the public schools will not be hurt to the point where the children suffer and good teachers, like my daughter, are left out, unable to propel students toward their inner greatness. Society needs strong thinkers more than ever. Without education, there will be no such people to lead us into the future.
Since he was a very young boy, my son has always had a thirst for science. Working toward finding a cure for cancer was his goal for as long as I can remember. My son is named for his amazingly intelligent, brave cousin who lost his battle with cancer before my son was born. Years later, after my other good-hearted, talented nephew was forced to fight this horrific disease, my son’s desire to work in this field only intensified. Now, after years of hard work and dedication, he is working in a lab, studying to earn his PhD in Immunology and Infectious Diseases. His devotion and respect for science has driven him to earn this coveted spot while his intelligence and heart will enable him to succeed. I have never known anyone as determined, talented and driven to help mankind. I watch with deep pride and admiration as he proceeds along his career path.
While my children are following their hearts in their professions, they are also in strong relationships with caring, wonderful people. As a parent, there is nothing more important than the happiness, health and well being of my children. I only hope that 2012 will enable them to further their walk on their pathways of choice. As they proceed, my wish is for them to fulfill their dreams while hopefully staying close enough for a warm hug from their old momma every so often!
Although my prior career has come to an abrupt ending, one I would not have volunteered for or chosen, its demise has afforded me time to pursue my dream, writing. Writing this blog is cathartic. I sit down and just let my fingers go. It’s as if they aren’t connected to my body. Feelings and thoughts go directly from my heart, not my brain. (Please, no snide remarks….) There are moments when my fingers fly across the keyboard and I am not even aware of their movement or where the movement is heading. With eyes closed, I just let them go. The assurance I give is that whatever ends up on the post is honest and heartfelt. I sincerely hope that feeling comes across to you, the reader.
Although I love my writing, as of now it doesn’t pay the bills. After being laid-off and finding it more difficult than I ever could have imagined to find a new position, I am working part-time in a retail store. I love people and truly enjoy working retail, probably for the same reasons I cherished working in Human Resources. Working with people, making their day easier and brighter is such an amazing feeling! By the end of the day, when working in human resources, whether it was spent helping my fellow employees work out their benefits or allowing someone coming in for an interview to feel less nervous, I felt that the day had been spent in a meaningful, worthwhile manner. I felt useful and enjoyed that feeling. I do experience that same feeling now in the store when I enable a harried young mom to smile, or help someone find something special they were searching for. The problem with retail is the salary. As I’ve said before in prior blogs, I am extremely thankful my husband earns enough for us and my income has always been secondary. However, it was very nice having that monetary boost for so many years. The vacations, home improvements and just day-to-day expenditures that I now watch closely, were much freer before, and honestly, that was a lot more fun.
I am certainly not complaining, however. I enjoy my time writing as I enjoy my time in the store. As long as my family is well, I am happy and I am thankful.
Finally, in 2011, my friendships have grown deeper and so very meaningful. I am honored to have the friends in my life that I do. There are women I have known for decades, and my cousin who I have been close with my entire life. These very special women know everything there is to know about me; my anxieties, my dreams, my hopes, my fears, and miraculously, they love me anyway! I also have relatively new friends that have become of utmost importance to my husband and me. We have travelled together and shared breakfasts, dinners, smiles, tears and laughter. In a short time, they have become part of my family. I don’t know how I would have survived the harder experiences of my life without these special people – you all know who you are. I love you.
My husband and I celebrated our 32nd wedding anniversary in 2011. Whoever would have believed that 32 years have flown by?! We have truly grown up together. He is an amazing father, a gracious man who has devoted his life to not only our family, and me, but also to my parents who he welcomed into our home. He helped my dad all through his illness and now comes to my mom’s aid whenever she needs help with her banking or other such details. He is patient and giving and I thank him for putting up with me all these years. I can’t imagine growing old with anyone else.
And finally, there are those who read this blog; the friends, relatives and the unbelievable amount of strangers who follow my ramblings. I thank you and I appreciate your time and attention. I truly hope my thoughts resonate within your heart and you find that no matter where on this earth you live, we all share the same humanity.
So, thank you 2011. You have enabled my family and I to grow and deepen our quest to fulfill our hearts’ desires. You have brought a multitude of emotions that have forced me to look deeply within and I feel I have learned so very much. As always on New Year’s Eve, I will be sad that another year is over, but I will be hopeful that the year ahead will bring good health, happy times and satisfaction.
I wish everyone a happy and a healthy 2012. Please keep reading…. I will try to make it worthy of your time.
Happy New Year!!