In my name, as an American citizen, my country is taking babies,
taking toddlers, taking children from their Mom and Dad’s arms and putting them
in steel, cold, cages, alone and scared. Babies and
toddlers are crying for their Mommy, for their Daddy…. their wails can be heard
because we have real, thoughtful journalists there to record it despite the pleas for silence from representatives of the Trump administration. If you are reading this and you are also
American, this is being done in your name, too.
If you are reading this from any other country, you must think we are
barbaric. This reality makes me sick.
These children, as young as breastfed infants, are
unceremoniously torn away from their parents’, placed in cages with no records or
connection to their families for future reunification. Two have died, many are being sexually abused,
they are all traumatized for life. Just
think of your own children being torn from your arms, or, if you are young, think of yourself as a small child, think of how you would feel being taken from your family. Imagine escaping a country filled
with violence, trudging 2,000 miles on foot despite all dangers on the way, imagine finally
arriving at what was supposed to be a country you had always been taught welcomes the “tired and poor”…. only to be torn from those you love, only to be alone, scared, frightened, and
mishandled with no one to comfort you. Feel the pain and anguish of these parents with no idea where or how their children are being treated along with if and when you will EVER see them again! This is what the United States is doing today to people who are legally presenting themselves for asylum.
This is being done in my name.
Groups of conservatives who call themselves pro-life……they
are silent. Does pro-life not extend to
children after they are born? Does it not
extend to children who happen to be born outside our country, children who are
escaping certain violence and possible death in their own country….people of color
who may not speak English well? Of
course I know that the pro-life movement does NOT care about children after
they are born whether in our country or outside its borders. That is why they don’t fight for parental
leave after the birth of a baby, they don’t fight for affordable, quality day
care, affordable, quality healthcare, they don’t fight for policies that offer healthy,
nutritional food to children in poor neighborhoods. The pro-life movement doesn’t fight for
school funding in poor areas, they don’t fight to restore criminal justice for
the poor, for people of color, for people in need…. this leads to homes with
just one parent who can barely keep their heads above water. A policy which
leads one parent with little or no means of obtaining the American dream (or
what used to be the American dream).
There are neighborhoods, Flint, Michigan for example, where children are
being poisoned by lead in their water for YEARS, but this pro-life movement is
quiet. Not one has raised their voice,
not one has raised money to fight these unfair practices that are done daily in
the United States of America.
This is being done in my name.
I am ashamed. I am
ashamed of a media that conflates Democratic Socialism with Socialism because
it works to scare people. Why don’t they
take just a portion of their 24 hour news time and explain what is meant by Democratic
Socialism and explain how it differs from the socialism that brings such
frightful response in Americans? They
won’t because the fear of the word socialism is good for ratings and it’s just
EASY. It requires no work. Democratic Socialism would restore FAIRNESS
in this unfair country. I know John
Edwards was a flawed spokesman, but his view of Two Americas is definitely what
is taking place. This unfairness was
once again demonstrated the other day when Manafort, a white, wealthy, connected
man who had been CONVICTED of crimes that brought a recommended sentence of
approximately 18 years was given 4 years….credit for time served…..and will
probably get out early on “good behavior”.
This is being done in my name.
I watch as white people call the police on black people
because they are doing things that no one would think dangerous if they were
white. These people call the police who
then arrive with preconceived notions of impending violence. A young 12 year old boy, Tamir Rice, was shot
and killed in seconds in a playground, holding nothing more dangerous than an
inexpensive toy gun bought in any toy store.
Two police officers, a 26 and a 46 year old, were called to the
scene. In the beginning of that initial call,
the person admitted the gun looked fake and at the end of the call the person said
it was probably a juvenile holding the weapon. With all
that information, in less than 2 seconds after the police arrived, that young
man was lethally shot and is forever gone from this world. All his accomplishments, his present and future family, his life….all
taken in one moment of fear and anger generated by institutionalized racism. If that young man had been white there would never have been an initial call to the police. If, for some reason, there had been a call, if the police arrived
and murdered a 12-year-old white boy with a toy gun, there would have been hell to
pay….but in this case, nothing, no charges, nothing, nothing but a lifetime of
pain for his family.
This is being done in my name.
I once read a statement by the Reverend Martin Luther King,
“There can be no justice without peace and there can be no peace without
justice.” I find this quote so obviously
true. In my country today there is no
justice for too many. Right-wing folks
who once were so horrified by a man having an affair while President that they
were determined and felt forced to impeach him over his lie over the affair now
feel no shame forcefully backing a man who lies continuously. A man who bragged BEFORE the election about
grabbing women by a private body part. A
man who paid off at least one porn actress for her silence and another woman for hers. A man who touts the virtues of Kim Jong Un
after knowing his regime, with his knowledge, tortured a young American student
to the point of his returning to our country brain dead. A man whose teeth were visibly rearranged…the
thought of the pain endured by that young man makes the hair stand up on the
back of my neck. But Trump claims the
letters Un wrote him were so beautiful, they fell in love. Right-wing Americans back a man who lied about building a
structure in Moscow, a man who stood next to Putin in Helsinki and said he
believed a lying, murderous dictator over every Intelligence Agency in the
Unites States!
All of these topics don’t even begin to broach the inequities
of life in the United States today.
Economic inequities which were exasperated by the tax cuts for the uber
wealthy that the republicans just passed, blowing up the deficit they always preach
such horror over when Democrats want to pass something like HEALTHCARE for
all! But that is a subject for another
All these injustices are now being implemented in my name….and in your name. There can be no
peace while this is true.
The importance of the next election cannot be
overstated. If Trump continues in office
we are doomed to a life of inequity. Doomed to a life where injustice and
unfairness reigns. A life where those with no power are demoralized and abused without consequence. There will be no peace for anyone as long as this continues, as long as this agenda is pushed and supported by a President with no soul and a "news" network with no honesty.
I don’t want this done in my name, not for one more
second. Please stand up against this, stand with
those who are fighting for fairness, stand with those who stand against hate
and bigotry. Please, let’s restore our country to one where we will all be proud to
say, This IS done in my name!
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