Monday, December 31, 2012

I Wish You Well-Being This New Year!

“Well-being is a balanced state of mind and body that you feel subjectively as contentment, peace of mind and emotional freedom.” – Deepak Chopra

As I write this, it is the early morning of New Year’s Eve.   New Year’s has always been a bit of a daunting time for me.  I never enjoyed New Year’s Eve as there was always not only a feeling of pressure to have a GREAT time, but also a feeling that the year gone by did not hold the accomplishments I had hoped for.  A fine time just doesn’t cut it on New Year’s.  Everyone has to be ringing in the New Year with amazing food, great friends, and a huge party!  You turn on the television and all they talk about is the biggest party of all in Times Square!  Everyone is dressed up, everyone is singing, kissing, dancing, partying ~ oy the pressure!!

This year has been a year of change and growing pains.  Yes, even those of us in our 50’s have growing pains.  My daughter has moved in with her boyfriend and my son, who moved away for school last year, has passed his candidacy exam and is now a PhD candidate, big changes and huge accomplishments for them, which make me proud and happy.  But these changes also point to the fact that my years of being Mom as opposed to Mommy are here.  This is a good thing, it is how it is supposed to be, but that doesn’t mean it is easy or comes without adjustment.

My house is way too big now.  Everywhere I look there is a room to be cleaned that no one needs.  I know this is probably what some would call a frivolous complaint, but it serves as a constant reminder of where I was, not where I am going. Of course there are times when I feel wistful about days gone by when the house was full of noise and toys and action; but time moves on.  And now it’s time that I do, too.

All this brings me to the title of this little blog, the importance of well-being.  I’ve read about well being this morning thanks to the quote above from Deepak Chopra, a quote I just happened to come across.  Well-being doesn’t mean that all things are going just great and that there is no turmoil, angst or aggravation in your life.  No, well being means that despite the turmoil and aggravation a sense of calm and feeling centered helps anchor your inner peace and allows you to function with clarity.  Our brains do more than allow us to interact with the world around us, our brains, in a sense, CREATE the world around us.  Our own interpretations of what we see and our reactions to what we feel are unique.  My goal, in this coming year, is a big one.  It’s probably the biggest goal I have ever set for myself.  My goal for this year is to have my brain create a positive world.

Throughout my life I have always looked ahead and tried to visualize what was going to go wrong so I could take steps now to prevent whatever it was I was imagining.  If I were imagining being attacked or getting lost by going someplace different, I just wouldn’t go.  If I was threatened by trying something new, thinking it would make me sick, or fail, I would make every excuse to weasel out of it, to not try that “new” thing, thereby guaranteeing the failure I was so afraid of seeing!  What good is that?? 

It’s going to be extremely difficult for me as I am definitely conditioned to only think about awful, horrific, terrible things that could happen.  I don’t know why my brain goes to these awful places and creates this world of monsters, but it does and it has to stop.  These worries take hold in my thoughts and instead of realizing that they are imaginary, they cause angst and worry, anxiety and fear – they cause a paralysis of being.  It’s been my way of existing but deep down I know it doesn’t work – it doesn’t even keep bad things from happening, instead, it keeps good things from happening!  The anxieties leak out to those around me, to those I hold most dear, to those I am trying to protect and to those I love more than anything else on this earth.  I don’t want them to hold the same anxiety and worry that I do.  Maybe that’s part of it, I feel that if I worry enough for all of us there is no need for them to worry.  I can shield them.  I try to take a burden off them, but it is a burden that they don’t necessarily carry – it is in my head, not theirs!  And when they then see and feel the load I am carrying, in a way, I am transferring that load to them - a load they never needed to hold! 

So, back to well being, the well being that Deepak Chopra referred to in the quote I read this morning.  Well-being is similar to the NOW that Eckert Tolle speaks about.  Right now is all we have.  Right now is all we ever live, our lives are made up of nows. Feeling at ease and at one with the reality of now, without thinking about the next minute or the next hour and the “what-ifs” that come with that time, that ease of the now is like a calming breath.  We can’t fight the now; it just wastes energy and emotion, we have to live in it.  The reality of this moment is all there ever is.  I believe it was George Harrison that said, “be here now”.

Right now it is the morning of New Year’s Eve.  The year 2012 will soon be history and the year 2013 will soon be welcomed.   But, at this moment, it is simply an early morning that I have time, time to relish and enjoy.  In reality, the hopes and plans, the thoughts and concerns for the year ahead are all just moving pictures in my head.  Since they are imaginary, why imagine a world of doom and disaster, why in the world would I want to create that? It may have taken me to the age of 54 to realize that every moment is important.  We all have our own hopes and dreams - the power of our thoughts, and that vibrant energy is vital and creative.  My promise to myself is to try to limit and catch myself when creating a world that is not positive and happy.  Since I want positive, happy things to exist for myself, for those I love, and for everyone – since compassion and thoughtfulness is what I want to exist, it is what I will strive to feel. I am going to try to live in the now instead of looking past it to the fears of tomorrow.

Here’s to a New Year’s Eve morning filled with good, hot coffee and a healthy dose of well being for all.

May your New Year be bright and your dreams thrive!

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