Monday, September 12, 2011

A Blank Page

Here I sit, in front of a blank page.  It’s not that I don’t have any ideas of what to write about, actually, I have too many today.  Right now, it’s a matter of weeding out the more pressing thoughts from the ones that simply cloud the issues in my mind.

Obviously, the elephant in the room is 9/11, since that was yesterday.  I know most everyone in the world has written or spoken about the day, their reactions and thoughts about how life changed for all of us in an instant.   So much is poignant and interesting; how could I possibly add to what has already been written or stated?  Yet, everyone’s take on the day and its remembrances is different, as individual as each of us. 

The horrific tragedy of September 11th, the hate that caused the tragedy, the fear and angst that crept into our hearts as we watched the towers come down and the Pentagon be hit, wondering what was next; those feelings are never far from the surface.  However, the bravery and valiant nature of the 1st responders along with the instant fellowship of those who needed to rely on each other for survival, or hopes of survival, during the crisis, should never be glossed over.

People need other people. We are a social group, a society.  At times, we need each other for help, financial or emotional, to get over a rough spot, for a laugh, or just to listen.  At other times, we are needed to supply the same things in return.  That is the core of being human.  Sure, it’s great to say, “Pull yourself up by your bootstraps”, but there are times when you need help finding the darn things!  Some of us are extremely lucky, born to wealth, born with good health, born with sight, arms, legs and the ability to use them, born with close family…. others enter this world without those things or with only one or two.  But, selfishness is not the American way.  It is not a value we boast about, never has been and never will be.  It is the antithesis of all we are taught.

So, on this September 12th, the day after, I hope we all remember that we are in this life together.  By helping others, we selfishly help ourselves.   Quite honestly, it feels amazing to lend a helping hand.  Just as it is better to give than to receive, it is better to help our fellow citizens, both home and around the world, than to ignore them, than to leave them in pain   We are all here for such a short time, whether it’s a minute or a 100 years.  I hope we can all work together for life, and all the promise it holds, as those brave patriots did on September 11th, 2001.  By behaving in that manner, we really do defeat the hate of the terrorists.

Have a great September 12th.  

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