My son's wedding is now over a month ago. He and his beautiful wife are back home from their honeymoon in Iceland. They had an absolutely breathtaking time and I am glad they went and happy they are home safely.
Before the wedding, I wrote a blog about choosing a song for the Mother/Son dance. I have to now say, the moment was even more than I could have hoped. During the dance, looking in my son's eyes, holding him in my arms as I've done from the moment he was born until this precious moment, the world around me truly didn't exist. I forgot about all the people watching us and was lost in an overwhelming, forever connection. The love and pride I have for my Michael is truly never-ending. His compassion, his thoughtfulness, his consideration, his intelligence and his loyalty all shine through.
I promised in the blog before his wedding I would let you in on the song we chose to dance to afterward. The time is here.
The song was "Have I Told You Lately That I Love You" sung by Rod Stewart (written by Van Morrison).
The song can be heard by clicking the following link:
In my texts to my children, I tell them multiple times how much I love them. Michael once said something to me on the lines of, other Mom's don't tell their children 'I love you' in a lifetime as often as I say it in one email.
I can't help it. I was never good at hiding my feelings.
I will let the song speak for itself. I hope you enjoy.
Michael......have I told you lately that I love you? You fill my heart with gladness and take away all my sadness.....ease my troubles, that's what you do.