I am having
a problem trying to make sense of the outcome that so many have reached after
the first Presidential Debate between President Obama and Governor Romney. Now, let me preface this blog with the
acknowledgement that I am an avid supporter of the President. I believe he was not only handed a mess
of astronomical proportions when he took office, which is proven by the facts;
he also was greeted with, not a honeymoon period like other Presidents, but
rather a public statement by the leader of the republican party in the Senate
that his and his party’s goal was to be sure President Obama was a one term President. Their goal was not to help the economy improve, not to work
for the people who had just chosen their President, but rather to ensure that
nothing that President tried to do succeeded, that was all he
cared about – not you, not me, not our country…. only his party.
Now, instead
of that statement going through the media as bordering on treasonous, the media
just let it stand as typical politics.
It is not, nor has it ever been, typical politics…especially in such
dire circumstances, with our country on the brink of a depression! However, the
media, being the exact opposite of a liberal media as the republicans claim,
never berated the republicans for their treasonous goal.
But, I
digress. Back to the debate that
was held last Wednesday night, a debate in which it is pretty much the stated
narrative that Romney won and President Obama lost…a narrative that has
resulted in a bump in Romney’s poll numbers…. a bounce which the media loves
because it now has a close race again.
Obviously, a close race is good for the amount of interest the race
receives and thus their ratings. No
matter that it is based on what is, in my opinion, an extremely damaging
narrative for our country.
checkers have exposed that Romney out-right lied on numerous occasions. He stated that he worked across the
aisle to “get things done” when governor of Massachusetts. In reality, a legislator at the time
stated that they were more often frustrated with Romney as he wanted to govern
like a CEO and not have to listen to or take notice of the legislature and its
input and power.
went on to state that 20 million people would lose healthcare because of the
President’s Affordable Care Act, Obamacare. The facts, as
facts DO EXIST, explained that Romney got to that number by choosing only the
results he WANTED to choose. (Kind of like cherry-picking intelligence that
Bush used to lead us into a war in Iraq.) Many people will, in fact, choose to
leave their employer’s coverage because there will be better options available
to them! Romney also chose to not
pay attention to the fact that there are people right now, today, that lose
their coverage before the ACA is implemented, thus failing to mention the
fact that Obamacare makes those losses lower!
Just a few
more examples and I will get to my point, but I feel the need to explain the
lies because if I just say they are lies without detail, then this post is
stated that Pre-Existing conditions are covered under his plan…now; this is so
not true that even his own staff felt the need to clarify. Yes, pre-existing conditions are
covered…as long as you have held health care coverage continuously!! If you lost your job and your
healthcare and you couldn’t afford to keep coverage going…and were then
diagnosed with heart disease or diabetes or anything…. the Romney plan in NO
WAY guarantees that you will be able to be covered for those conditions. In that case, Romney’s plan is to go to
the Emergency Room while being uncovered.
This is not only the most expensive way for us, the tax-payers, but it
is also the way for least beneficial health outcomes for the person who is
And, simply
for the purposes of the length of this blog, I will only go one more lie (there
are many more I could delve into) Romney stated that President Obama is taking
$716 billion out of Medicare to pay for Obamacare. Even Romney understands, although he won’t admit it, this
comment is purposefully contorted.
President Obama did, through the ACA, reduce the growth of Medicare over
ten years, which will, in actuality, benefit Medicare recipients by extending
the life of Medicare! This money
comes from payments to hospitals not through benefits to Medicare
recipients. Also, the Romney/Ryan
plan, which Romney “forgot to mention” takes that same $716 billion from
Medicare, but instead of using it to bolster Medicare they use it to afford
more tax cuts for the uber wealthy thus weakening Medicare not strengthening
it. The Romney/Ryan plan calls for
turning Medicare into a voucher system for anyone who does not receive Medicare as of today.
Anyone out there, under 55 years old, this is to you…if you have a heart
condition, cancer, diabetes, and you think a private insurance company is going
to cover you into your old age under the cost of the voucher, then you are in
for a very rude awakening.
Okay, so
now I am going to wrap up my examples, even though, like I said, I could go on
and on. But, we all know that
politicians twist the truth sometimes, isn’t that what we are told? But, should we accept it and even worse, should we applaud
Bush told us lies about weapons of mass destruction, costing us billions of
dollars (which he never put on the books, thus adding billions to the deficit once the costs were put in the books)
and costing our military men and women along with thousands of innocent Iraqi’s
their limbs and their lives.
Do we really want to give accolades to another liar in
I find it
appalling that our media has lavished so much praise on Romney’s debate
performance. Why do they feel it
is okay to lie, as long as you lie with style? Is that like Gangnum Style? Was Romney more energetic and powerful, absolutely…but shouldn't substance matter more?
I can
imagine a scenario where the roles were reversed on Wednesday night, a scenario
where President Obama was arrogant and rude to his opponent and the moderator and spewed lie after
lie…how do you think the media would have spun that? I bet they would have called him an angry (black)
man, as exhibiting behavior that was un-presidential and not worthy of the
office. They would have said he was
rude, a bully, and obnoxious! They
would have noted the red eyes and wondered if he was over-tired or over
red-bulled!! I believe that no
matter how the President reacted to the flip-flopping, blatant lies of Romney,
the President was in a no win situation.
and opinion of the results depends so much on how the media spins things these
days. But, what is even
more disheartening is that the media spin continues in the same direction even after the lies are exposed! It is truly
astounding that the lies don’t seem to matter! Even Newt Gingrich, after his debates with Romney complained
that it was impossible to defeat a liar at a debate because the liar can say
anything to get by and no one cares!
I heard
what I thought was a spot on analogy about debating a liar by listening to the
Alec Bennett show this morning. Alec stated the following, (and I am
paraphrasing): ‘imagine if I
stated on this show that President Bush was drunk during his entire
Presidency. Imagine me stating
that I know this to be true because a member of the Secret Service told me so
in confidence. Now, we all know
this is not true, but how would you combat this nonsense in the midst of a
debate? You can’t because it has
no place in reality so you cannot use any reality to fight it!’
I find it
funny that now that the polls are shifting to a closer race, republicans, all
of sudden, believe the polls, rather selective. You don't see Progressives walking around saying the polls are not true. Facts do matter, even if you don't agree. You see, now, those same opponents of the President who didn't believe the prior polls, they do not believe the unemployment numbers recently released because
they show, conclusively, that we are on the RIGHT track with President Obama
and that the economy is steadily improving. Those who do not support the President seem to live in a dream world of their
own creation, (the right-wing bubble as Bill Maher calls it) perpetuated by Fox ‘news’ and Rush Limbaugh. But my fear is that their land of
make-believe will quickly crash all of the real progress made over the last four
years. If their world of
applauding lies and working to eliminate any progress by the opposing party’s
leader, at the expense of all of us, is allowed to go unanswered, then the
United States of America is no longer a country of reality, but rather a
country of beliefs and myths masquerading as facts and truths.
matter. Truth matters. Reality exists whether we admit it or
not. You can deny cancer all you
want, but if you don’t treat it, it will still kill you.
frustration by those of us who support the President is two-fold. We are sorry he didn’t come out
punching harder, fighting back against Romney's talking points harder, yet we know that had he done so, the media would then simply
have a different narrative to attack him over if they so choose. President Obama needs to be flawless, yet he is human so
flawlessness is impossible. It is
a very difficult box they have placed him in.
Americans, we need to expect more than lies from someone who wants to take the
reigns of this country from President Obama, the man who kept us OUT of a Depression, FOUND and ordered the KILL of Bin Laden, SAVED the auto Industry, and DOUBLED the stock market.
Obama has proven, beyond a reasonable doubt, that we are better off now than we
were four years ago, and he has EARNED our votes to continue the positive
trend, in spite of the lies told with such finesse by the opposition.